Balance realism with ambition in the PDO and the targets. The PDO should focus on outcomes; committing to outputs (for example, delivering a certain number of hours of training) is probably not ambitious enough. Projects can balance ambitious objectives by setting realistic targets, particularly for hard-to-employ populations or when working in complex country contexts. The project targets should be set after assessing the baseline levels of economic activity. Even if the project is well-targeted to those who are most in need of skills training, most poor youth will be doing something at baseline to earn money.
Education & youth development. Education and youth development strategies focus on children's academic and social-emotional growth. These strategies contribute to positive outcomes at every stage of an individual's life, helping young people enter kindergarten ready to learn, reach key academic and social milestones in elementary and middle school, earn a high school diploma, and receive a. Results for America will improve outcomes for young people, their families, and communities by shifting public resources toward programs and practices that use evidence and data to improve quality and get better results. Development Measures: describe development that typically occurs from early infancy through early preschool ages and may be used with preschool-age children under specific conditions (identified as Conditional measures). Development Measures: describe development that typically occurs from early preschool ages up to kindergarten entry. After a successful career in business development, commissioned sales, training, and coaching, I created Results 4 Business to bring my expertise in these fields to help business leaders and their employees to get the results they want.
Multidimensional Developmental Theory
Define employment broadly to account for the types of work that women do. AGI pilots defined employment as engagement in any income-generating actitivies. This definition was able to aptly capture all types of economic activities, whether they be formal or informal. AGI projects also measured all types of productive activities that women do, including paid and unpaid labor as well as activities that received in-kind payments.
Ensuring that all stakeholders understand and buy into the results framework is critical for project success. Definitions and targets need to be understood and adopted by all project stakeholders (including trainers) so that everyone understands the standards that the project is being held to. For example, do unpaid internships count as 'employed'? What if the participant has only been employed for one week? What about a trainee who didn't complete the training, but still found employment? Will the project results include those who are self-employed? Do in-kind earnings count as earnings?
Be realistic about the time horizon for measuring outcomes. Projects should measure outcomes at both the baseline and endline to assess the project success. AGI projects measured endline outcomes three to six months after the classroom training ended to allow time for job placement. In some cases projects also verified long-term employment outcomes more than a year later. Behavioral outcomes can take even longer to manifest than economic outcomes. AGI pilots were less successful in capturing behavior change in quantitative surveys over short-time periods, particularly for outcomes such as fertility, which may need to be measured over longer intervals.
This Guidance for identification and formulation has been developed by INTPA Unit D4 – 'Performance, Results and Evaluation; Internal Communication, Knowledge Management and Collaborative Methods' jointly with INTPA Thematic Units.
It is addressed to all colleagues involved in the preparation of Action Documents (ADs) and project documents and offers guidance to build strong logical frameworks (identifying SMART results and measurable indicators) in line with INTPA priorities. Its main objective is to enhance the quality of INTPA interventions – both in terms of design as well as of monitoring and reporting in the course of implementation.
According to the OECD DAC terminology, the term of results covers the outputs, outcomes and impact of a development intervention. These three levels of results can be represented in a chain that is reflected in the structure of the Logical Framework Matrix (Impact - Overall Objective, Outcomes - Specific Objective/s, and Outputs).
The methodological approach used to develop this guidance is presented here.
Operational Managers involved in the preparation of ADs and project documents can use this guidance to develop Logical Framework Matrix at project/ programme level and accompanying narratives of the intervention logic (Section 4.3 of the AD).
This guidance should support them to identify the main results (with corresponding indicators) that EU development interventions are expected to achieve in the sector of interest, mainly in terms of Impact - Overall Objective and Outcomes - Specific Objectives, and will also provide examples of relevant outputs.
Slots free machine. For each sector (a) a result chain diagram and (b) a list of associated indicators are presented.
Results 4 Development
Results 4 Development
Be realistic about the time horizon for measuring outcomes. Projects should measure outcomes at both the baseline and endline to assess the project success. AGI projects measured endline outcomes three to six months after the classroom training ended to allow time for job placement. In some cases projects also verified long-term employment outcomes more than a year later. Behavioral outcomes can take even longer to manifest than economic outcomes. AGI pilots were less successful in capturing behavior change in quantitative surveys over short-time periods, particularly for outcomes such as fertility, which may need to be measured over longer intervals.
This Guidance for identification and formulation has been developed by INTPA Unit D4 – 'Performance, Results and Evaluation; Internal Communication, Knowledge Management and Collaborative Methods' jointly with INTPA Thematic Units.
It is addressed to all colleagues involved in the preparation of Action Documents (ADs) and project documents and offers guidance to build strong logical frameworks (identifying SMART results and measurable indicators) in line with INTPA priorities. Its main objective is to enhance the quality of INTPA interventions – both in terms of design as well as of monitoring and reporting in the course of implementation.
According to the OECD DAC terminology, the term of results covers the outputs, outcomes and impact of a development intervention. These three levels of results can be represented in a chain that is reflected in the structure of the Logical Framework Matrix (Impact - Overall Objective, Outcomes - Specific Objective/s, and Outputs).
The methodological approach used to develop this guidance is presented here.
Operational Managers involved in the preparation of ADs and project documents can use this guidance to develop Logical Framework Matrix at project/ programme level and accompanying narratives of the intervention logic (Section 4.3 of the AD).
This guidance should support them to identify the main results (with corresponding indicators) that EU development interventions are expected to achieve in the sector of interest, mainly in terms of Impact - Overall Objective and Outcomes - Specific Objectives, and will also provide examples of relevant outputs.
Slots free machine. For each sector (a) a result chain diagram and (b) a list of associated indicators are presented.
Results 4 Development
Results 4 Development
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